Media Center Interviews
April 2, 2023
Final Round Interview with Sam Stevens
Q. Sam, what a week. I know you're a little disappointed, but just talk a little bit about the round today and the week as a whole.
SAM STEVENS: Yeah, I mean, obviously my best week so far out here. So yeah, yeah, a little disappointed. I played great today. You know, my game felt just OK, but kind of the right things happened, made the putts when I needed to make them, hit a few great shots when I needed to. Yeah, I'm excited and I'm pleased. You know, it's easy to look back and wish you had one more, but that's all right.
Q. What's the last five or 10 minutes been like as you were waiting for this thing to finish up?
SAM STEVENS: Yeah, when I was on the green I saw that Corey had hit it in the fairway, so, you know, he probably only had a 5-iron in or so, I figured he could manage making a 5. Yeah, it's been great just getting to hang out with my kids and stuff. Yeah, I was pretty confident he had it in the bag when I missed that putt on 18. It's all right, that's the way it goes sometimes.
Q. Two eagles on the day, if you can take us through those two holes.
SAM STEVENS: Yeah, No. 8 I was even par for the day, kind of treading water. Made a nice two-putt on 7 and then hit a great drive on 8. I finally hit it in the fairway and it was straight downwind today and I hit a 5-iron in. Hit a shot perfect right up the middle of the green, had probably 15 feet or so and made that.
Then 17 I was pretty calm, pretty at peace. I knew that I had to do something pretty cool on the last couple holes, kind of freed me up to make a good swing, hit a good shot. It worked out perfectly. You're just trying to get it up there somewhere around the green, maybe chip it in, try and make a birdie, but worked out great. Had like eight feet, I couldn't believe it got as close as it did and was able to make that one.
It was a great round. Those two holes, yeah, that's kind of the stuff you need to have happen if you want to win. So that was great, that gave me a chance and just wasn't able to make the putt on 18.
Q. Lastly, just talk a little bit about what these last two weeks have done for you for your confidence and for your season.
SAM STEVENS: Yeah, yeah, I told everybody, or not everybody but a lot of people, I feel like I've been playing really well. Not really well, but fairly well all year, just getting more and more comfortable. In Puerto Rico I had a chance, or not kind of had a chance, I was a couple back going into the last day and that was a learning experience for sure. I kind of learned from that last week and was able to hang tough after a bad start last week, the final round.
Yeah, I'm getting more confident, more comfortable and I feel like yeah, hopefully I can get in contention again soon.